This is the Frost Flame Games newsletter. This is something that we do now. You signed up for this a while ago. You might have forgotten. You will get these when we have something important to say. Like now.
We have been very busy making our games and finally have news!
We have our first extremely limited run of Pavé available for purchase.
It looks like this

You can probably buy it by clicking here, unless we have run out. Then you can not.
If you missed out on a copy, we are working on our next run soon.
In other news, one of our homes, New Zealand, is now open again for large gatherings.
This means we will be attending the following conventions with copies of Pave for sale:
Tauranga Armageddon, July 25-26th 2020, Baypark Arena
Wellington Armageddon August 1-2nd 2020, Sky Stadium
For more information on both visit: https://www.armageddonexpo.com/
In other news, we are currently beta testing Pavé Digital.
It currently looks like this

To get involved with testing you can visit our discord channel