- Each player chooses a team; Frost
or Flame
- Place the bottom half of the game box, upside-down and place the board on top of it.
When doing this, align the board edge colours to the box side colours. It should end up looking very similar to the render on the top of the box. While this step is not mandatory, it does make it a lot easier to keep track of which sides of the board are yours!
- To begin each round, place all tokens in the bag.
- Each player then draws 5 tokens from the bag and places them in their Garden (token holder).
Face the Garden and the tokens toward you, the idea is to position them so that you can see all your tokens, and your opponent cannot see them.
Playing Pavé
- Players must use the lines on the tokens to create a contiguous line between their
or Flame
coloured board edges.
Note: Paths entering the corners of the board are connected to both Frost
and Flame
board edges.
- First player to win 2 rounds, wins the game.
- Flip a Token to choose who starts the first round.
- For rounds 2 or 3, the loser of the previous round chooses who starts.
- Each player takes turns placing one token at a time in spaces on the board.
The tokens are taken from any slot in your Garden (Token holder), and is considered "placed" once you have placed the token in a valid space on the board and removed your hand from the token, you may adjust and more finely align the token to the board after placement, purely to ensure the lines are easy to follow, not to "change" the direction it is facing.
- Tokens may be placed on any empty space, or on top of any token with a power value lower than it. See Token Placement below.
The token does not have to be connected to a board edge, or another token, you can play it in any valid space anywhere on the board. Once you've placed a token, it no longer belongs to you, only the paths they form matter.
- Tokens may be placed in any orientation that lines up with the guides on the board.
There are 8 possible angles/rotations a piece could be played, so ensure you line them up carefully. The only pieces where rotational alignment does not matter, are the sun and moon tokens.
- If a player can not place a token on the board, either because they have none left or there are no legal plays, then the round is a draw.
- After a player places a token they must draw another token from the bag.
Place the newly drawn token into the empty slot in your Garden (token holder). If there are more slots to fill because you forgot to refil after a previous turn, draw more tokens until the slots are all filled.
If there are no tokens left in the bag, you skip this step and continue playing until you run out of pieces.
It is your responsibility to keep your tokens topped up, if you forget to top up at the end of your turn, you can top up later, but of course not topping up immediately means you are playing with less options available.
- At the end of their turn a player may say “Pave!” to perform a win check.
- If their edges are connected, and their opponents edges are not connected they win the round. Otherwise they lose.
To complete a path between your 2 board edges, you must have a chain of connected pieces that enter at one side of the board, and exit at the opposite side. For 2 pieces to be considered connected, there are 4 conditions that must be met.
- The pieces must be correctly placed (aligned correctly on a space in one of the 8 rotations, and not incorrectly stacked).
- The pieces being checked for a connection must be at the top of any stacks they are in.
- The pieces must be in adjacent spaces on the board (diagonal is permitted).
- Each of the 2 pieces that are connected must have line segments that face the other piece. The line cannot bend or turn in the space between the pieces, it must be a straight line.
Note: If you say "Pavé" and your opponent also has a connected path then you lose the game!
You don't have to say Pavé, and may simply end your turn after placing your token. This means the turn passes to the next player, even if you had a completed path. This might happen if you don't notice you have a completed path, or might be useful if both players have a completed path and you don't want to trigger your opponent winning the game.
- The Moon
token blocks all paths entering the space it is played on.
- The Sun
token connects all paths entering the space it is played on.
Token placement
- Tokens may be placed on any empty space, or on top of any token with a power value lower than it.
Once a token has been placed on top of another token, all tokens underneath that token are considered void and ignored for the rest of the game.
and Sun
tokens have a power value of 4
This makes the sun and moon the most powerful tokens, they can be placed on top of any other token (except each other). Nothing can be placed on top of them.
tokens have a power value of 3
This allows them to be placed on top of both blue and green tokens (or on empty spaces)
tokens have a power value of 2
This allows them to be placed on top of green tokens (or on empty spaces)
tokens have a power value of 1
With a power of 1, Green tokens can only be placed in empty spaces on the board.